Warm Ups:
3 Rounds for time
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Cobra to Downward Dogs
- 10 Toe Touchers
Then do:
- 10 Sprawl Shoots
- 10 Scramble Drills
- 5 Forward Rolls
- 5 Backward Rolls
- 5 Cartwheels
- 5 Front Handsprings
- 35 ft Handstand Walk
- 10 Flow Drills
- 10 Bridge Flips
- 10 Base, Sit Out, Turn On Heads
10 Each:
- Snap Down Front Headlock Go Behind (5 left, 5 right)
- Outside Cradle From Standing Position (practice crushing a poor stance, when opponent puts chest near lead knee)
- Reversals
- Turn Ins
- Sit-out Hip Heists (explode straight out from opponent)
- Practice Down Blocks (partner tries to shoot and grab a leg, focus on keeping head and hands on partner when down blocking)
Bench Press (go heavy!)
*Do one 9ft legless rope climb in between each bench press set. Start with butt on floor. Lower self back to butt on floor.
3 Rounds
1 minute at each station, 15 second rest (to transition to next station)
18 Cals Airdyne Bike
20 Box Jumps 20"
15 DB Hang Clean and Push Press 20#/50# (boys / men)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
*If you complete the reps keep going till the minute is over. If you do not complete the reps within the minute, stop and move on to the next station.
1 minute each:
- Couch Stretch
- Hamstring Stretch
- Pigeon Stretch
- Scorpion Stretch