Mastering the Small Details for Big Results

Mastering the Small Details for Big Results

In order to progress in anything, sports, fitness, or any other field, paying attention to the smallest details is crucial. As a former Army soldier, I remember our drill sergeants drilling into us the importance of "Attention to detail! Motivation is the key!" during our synchronized push-ups. They made sure we knew small mistakes get people killed in battle. It's a lesson that has stuck with me throughout my life and has proven to be invaluable in my pursuit of success.

When I started CrossFit at the age of 30, I faced a major obstacle: the muscle-up. With only two weeks to learn this challenging movement before the 2012 CrossFit Open, I sought help from a CrossFit Coach. Despite being able to perform one muscle-up on my first attempt, my technique was far from efficient. This is where many of us make a fatal mistake – we check the box and move on, thinking we've mastered a skill when, in fact, there's still room for improvement.

It's easy to avoid the things that frustrate us or make us feel like we're failing. We tend to gravitate towards the exercises or training methods that we're good at, while neglecting our weaknesses. This is why I prefer having someone else program my workouts, someone who can help me identify and address my weaknesses. Even though I could do a muscle-up, I knew that my technique needed improvement to achieve my performance goals in competition.

To improve my muscle-up technique, I had to take a step back and focus on the smaller details. I researched tutorials, compared my technique to that of Games athletes, and recorded my own movements for analysis. I realized that I needed to work on my swing, so I put muscle-ups on hold and focused solely on refining my swing for weeks. It wasn't as immediately gratifying as finishing a muscle-up, but I knew it was necessary to achieve my long-term goals.

Fixing small details can be tedious and may only result in marginal improvements in the short term. However, over time, these incremental adjustments can compound and lead to significant gains. The land speed record is a perfect example of this. Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat set the record at 39.24 mph in 1898, and it has been gradually raised year after year to the current record of 763.035 mph by Andy Green, with sights set on reaching 1000 mph. It's a testament to the power of continuous improvement and attention to detail.

On the other hand, ignoring the small details can have dire consequences. The space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 serves as a tragic reminder of the price of neglecting the details. The decision to launch the shuttle despite the warning from the contractor, Rockwell, about the cracked rubber "O-ring" seal on the solid rocket booster led to the explosion just 73 seconds after liftoff, resulting in the loss of all seven astronauts on board, including teacher Christa McAuliffe. It was a stark reminder that rushing to the finish without paying attention to the details during the process can have disastrous consequences.

If you want to reach ambitious levels of success in sports, fitness, or any other field, attention to detail is key. Don't be tempted to check the box and move on when you think you've mastered something – take the time to search for and address the smaller details that can make a big difference. Be willing to sacrifice immediate gratification for long-term success, and never underestimate the power of incremental improvement over time. Remember that ignoring the details can have dire consequences, while embracing them can unlock your full potential and help you achieve your greatness. So, pay attention to the details – the smaller, the better – and make them a priority.